AI is transforming Customer Engagement now

April 26, 2019

It’s unstoppable and its happening now – don’t get left behind.

Computer and Customer say Yes! Not to the dystopian AI super-computers that out-think humans. But yes to Customer Engagement that is Faster, Cheaper & Better through Intelligent Automation (IA). Save money and improve customer experience. And you can do it rapidly, now.

Computers aren’t taking over from humans anytime soon, but they sure can help

Let’s dispel some myths. Hal 9000, AI super-computer, isn’t going to be a reality any time soon. True AI applications are narrow in scope (they can learn to do one task – e.g. win a chess game). For most mere mortals, it’s really about Intelligent Automation (IA) not AI.

“I’m Sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that”

Source: Hal 9000 in Stanley Kubrik’s A Space Odyssey: 2001 or Frank from the overstretched IT department trying to keep up with latest customer engagement technologies

Intelligent Automation is unlocking enormous value: Faster, Better, Cheaper

Recent studies estimate that 20-30% of tasks can be automated entirely and 60% of tasks could have some form of automation applied. Contact centres should see significant benefits. These include:

  • Faster: Response Times; Case Processing Times; Change Implementation; Innovation time to market
  • Better: Lower error rates, higher accuracy rates, higher quality and compliance; higher first contact resolution and higher customer and employee satisfaction
  • Cheaper: Contacts deflected to self-serve, reduced handling time, increased revenue from targeted cross-up-sell, lower error rates, lower custmer and agent attrition

In one company we saw customer satisfaction go from worst to best in industry whilst contact cost/order halved.

Intellignet Automation Impact from Thoughtonomy Infographic

Source: Extract from Thoughtonomy Infographic

And it’s going to impact across all aspects of contact centres

IA is going to be used to transform every part of contact centre front, back and support office operations. Whether its deflecting or automating tasks via self-serve, augmenting agents with context-based knowledge, simplifying agent desktops so that they can focus on the conversation, not the system, enabling multi-modal contact, automating data input and post-call work and fulfilment are just some of the examples. And the robots and intelligence are going to be an integral part of the team. Thinking through how to manage this digital workforce is a key consideration, which we will discuss in other articles.

AI opportunities in Contact Centres from HOWTOEXPERIENCE

Automation becomes useful when you add Intelligence

AI is an umbrella term that covers all manner of transformational technologies (see word cloud below). Automation can be achieved non-invasively using traditional Robotic Process Automation (RPA) techniques and, where available, via digital web technologies (API’s). Many large organisations have tried this, but few have scaled and the landscape is littered with failures and frustration. But making it intelligent is where the real step-change happens. And that’s why it’s worth a fresh look.

AI technologies Wordcloud

AI technology Wordcluud from HOWTEXPERIENCE

Combining automation with various data, insights, tools and technologies is when Automation becomes intelligent and ultimately more useful.

(API + Robotics) + Process Mgt + Omni-channel + Contextual Data + decision engines + Algorithms + Natural Language tools = Intelligent Automation

Real-time Natural Language Understanding is a game-changer

Cloud-based tools (Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri) work out what customers are saying & typing and making intelligent automated responses. And that opens up a world of new possibilities for customer interaction. Most people immediately think they need to create an Alexa Skill, but applying these technologies into traditional IVR’s is where the biggest impact can be made for most organisations.

Within a week, we’ve seen nearly 90% intent capture accuracy from a natural language IVR, enabling non-added value calls that would normally have been transfers, automatically re-directed to the right team.

Its all about Speed to Benefit

Some good news for Frank in IT. Regardless of your current ERP, CRM, telephony or channel technologies, intelligent automation can be applied rapidly. And often outside of core IT services. Gaps and Service pressure points can be alleviated quickly. And Simple tasks can be automated through chatbot and voicebot technology.

Selecting where to start is the art.

Reviewing current interactions, categorising them for ease of implementation and value is required. We often use the Value Irritant matrix used by Amazon to help drive strategies. Getting “runs on the board” early builds confidence and momentum. The business cases and value trackers we build are compelling and help focus and engage the organisation.

Intelligent Automation Opportunity Ladder

Intelligent Automation Opportunity Ladder

Intelligent Automation is a strategic asset

But once organisations realise what can be done the question quickly reverts to what should be done? The framework above, shows the ladder of Intelligent Automation opportunities. As you implement your quick wins, very quickly attention turns to building strategic capability to enable competitive advantage. This requires deeper data, intelligence and technology integration capabilities being built in parallel with a fundamental rethink of processes, services and operating models. As re-useable assets are created, intelligent automation can scale rapidly.

So are the machines coming to take all the jobs? Not yet.

Clearly, Intelligent Automation is going to release efficiencies. So staff either need to be redeployed on other higher value activities or staff numbers will fall. Often in contact centre environments, this can come through natural attrition. Increasing your strategic advantage might well help you grow. IA is going to benefit staff too. Equipping them with tools to support them and customers better. Like any change programme, the more open you are about communicating the changes to staff, the better. Ultimately implementing these strategies is a survival game. If you don’t, someone else will. And they’ll most likely eat your lunch.

Companies have to race to build AI or they will become uncompetitive. Essentially if your competitor is racing to get AI (and you’re not) they will crush you.

Elon Musk

So given Faster, Cheaper, Better customer engagement is available now, you better get after it quickly.

Or put another way…

“I’m afraid, if we don’t do that Dave, we might be buggered”

About the Author:

David Williams has 20 years experience in the customer management industry, consulting, operating and transforming sales, service and marketing operations. HOWTOEXPERIENCE advises clients on where and how to apply AI in customer engagement rapidly. Auditing and deploying working solutions in 4-12 weeks. Get in touch about our rapid AI Opportunity Map Service if you’re serious about knowing where and how to start.

HOWTO…Customer Journey Mapping

February 28, 2019

A webinar video with some hints and tips from 15 years worth of experience of doing this. Mistakes to avoid and how to get this right.

The Winds of Change: 5 Vectors of Customer Engagement | Carpeo | UK Contact Centre Services, Swindon | Every day, Every contact, Even better

April 23, 2018

Carpeo Contacts


The Winds of Change: 5 Vectors of Customer Engagement.  Latest overview of our White paper that describes the prefect storm for organisations and the seismic changes in how their customers want to engage.

DMA | Article | Regulation Hub Update

February 28, 2018

The Direct Marketing Association offering lobbying, events, research, and development. Includes membership directory, representing the DM industry.


Great update from DMA on regulations affecting customer contact. The ICO have been busy fining people for unconsented use of data. More to come no doubt…

The end of asking for the bill

February 28, 2018

Diners can leave a restaurant and their bill is paid automatically via an app, in a Barclaycard trial.


Nice payment innovation to reduce customer effort in restaurants

The Customer Experience Million Dollar Question: Will my customer come back?

February 27, 2018

I make no secret of my love for all things culinary. In fact, if I did not also have a passion for running, I would quite literally be the size of a rather large house! Like everything else we do as human beings, the ‘eating out’ experience is made up of several stages and touch …


Nice article from Ian, reminding us that the experience is vital in restaurants. Our survey solution can even help you ask the $1M question!

Facebook’s Virtual Assistant M Is Dead. So Are Chatbots

January 15, 2018

Facebook’s M once heralded the possibilities of chatbots. Its demise highlights the technology’s limitations.


This article suggests chatbots are dead. What it actually shows is that all virtual assistants have limitations and require escalation to and/or human support when computer says no!

Linkedin Publishing

March 30, 2017


LExit surprisingly similar to Brexit Issues – Recent article on Legacy Systems

Robots and People both Electric?

September 14, 2016

Insight into Human interface design for Robotics


Wally Brill’s great take on the interactive assistant of the future. Great Video Insight!

Twilio study: most consumers now want to use messaging to interact with businesses

September 13, 2016

Twilio, the developer-centric communications platform that successfully IPOed earlier this year, published a new study today about how consumers want to use..


Consumers want to use messaging for customer service. @ we can – can you?